At the yearly open day of the University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC), interested youngsters can discover how it's like to work in a hospital. The special thing about this day is that there is a lot to experience and people can try out many things themselves.
We used this fact as insight for our concept. We started by changing the name of the event into the UMC DO-IT-YOURSELF day.
On the day of the event, we turned the hospital into a big DIY-store.
On the day of the event, we turned the hospital into a big DIY-store.
The campaign included print and online. The print campaign was awarded multiple times at the SJP awards in 2007. But more important, the event was so successful that it ran every year since 2007.
[Execution is in Dutch]

Impression of the event:

Credits: STEAM Amsterdam / CD: Maarten Kuipers / AD: Rob Bary, Marlon von Franquemont / Design: Ronnie Besseling / Strategy: Greo Belgers.