To produce Foie Gras, workers ram pipes down the throats of male ducks and geese, pumping up to 2.2 pounds of grain and fat into their stomachs. To stop this cruelty, we launched Faux Gras® de GAIA, an animal-friendly alternative to Foie Gras.
The launch film from 2008. I know, it's old:
Every year, over half a million cans of Faux Gras® are sold – and it is available in almost every Belgian supermarket. Moreover, it's getting popular in the land
of Foie Gras: France. For more info and recipes, visit
of Foie Gras: France. For more info and recipes, visit

Press coverage:

Selling points:

Credits: Duval Guillaume / Creative Directors: Peter Ampe, Katrien Bottez, / Art Director: Marlon Von Franquemont / Radio Producer: Tom Garcia / TV Producer: Emily Rammant / Print Producer: Carina Hölscher / Media Director: Davy Caluwaerts / Account Director: Matthias Dubois / Designers: Chantal Gillet, Geert Ory / Photographer: Jean-François Dewit.